Uptown New West (UBA)

Uptown New West (UBA)


Non Profit Business Improvement Association


Uptown New West (UBA) is a non-profit organization that was incorporated in September 2014. Representing all Businesses and Property Owners in the designated uptown area, UBA is funded through a property tax levy. Its primary objective is to foster the development, encouragement, and promotion of business in Uptown New Westminster while driving revitalization and improvement in the region.

The organization is governed by a board of elected directors who represent business owners, landlords, and service providers in the area. These directors lead and serve on four committees, each focusing on one of the four pillars of the UBA.

The UBA consists of five committees, each with its own specific purpose and objectives:

Street Beautification: This committee is dedicated to enhancing the beauty and vibrancy of Uptown. It fosters coordinated efforts between merchants, property owners, other community groups, and the municipality to improve the streetscape and property within the UBA.

Marketing: The marketing committee is responsible for promoting Uptown and its businesses and services to residents and external audiences. It supports existing events and actively engages with owners and merchants to maximize exposure and attract visitors.

Outreach: The outreach committee focuses on engaging with the non-profit community to elevate the Uptown region and make a meaningful impact on the area where we live and work. By collaborating with various organizations, UBA aims to create a strong sense of community and foster positive change.

Events: This committee organizes and facilitates events that drive business to the area. Events such as Uptown Live, Uptown Unplugged, Recovery Day, and the Royal City Farmers Market Winter Market create opportunities for businesses to showcase their offerings and attract visitors to Uptown New West.

Advocacy: The UBA acts as a voice for its members and the surrounding community, working to attract and promote business in the area. Through its advocacy efforts, UBA strives to create a favorable environment for businesses to thrive and contribute to the overall growth of Uptown New Westminster.


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